The estate

Discovering a unique terroir

The estate is located in the countryside of Minervino Murge in Apulia, the DOC region of Castel del Monte, an area well known for the beauty of its wild. To book a tailor-made visit, write a message to

The vines grow at about 300 meters above sea level in the Murgia, an area with challenging climatic conditions that throughout time have always forced its inhabitants to work with great devotion. Harsh winters, temperatures that fluctuate dramatically, deep ravines, thick fog often covering the vineyards and especially its proximity to the ancient volcano Vulture are only some of the characteristics of this territory that rewards patient hard work with precious harvests.

Varietals’ unique identity

Local varietals like Aglianico, Nero di Troia and Fiano pugliese represent the heart of the Castel del Monte agronomic history.

The barrel cellar is deep inside the winery. Oak barriques rest under a double barrel vault ceiling that was built using the same tuff bricks.

A window towards Castel del Monte

From the second floor there is a breathtaking view of the surrounding countryside, the village of Minervino appears on the opposite hill with its brilliant white stone buildings reflecting in the sun while to the west the fascinating majesty of the Vulture volcano.

Aperture straordinarie
Visite con pranzo e degustazione, sabato 13 luglio e sabato 3 agosto.
Prenota online

Aperitivi in cantina
Festeggia l'estate con i nostri aperitivi in cantina, per scoprire i nostri vini e la storia che li circonda.
Non perderti le 6 date esclusive, il giovedì dalle 19:00 alle 21:00:
20 giugno - 4 luglio - 25 luglio - 1 agosto - 29 agosto - 5 settembre

348 916 8260

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